Unlock Access to Your Authentic Self
Join Kathleen Wiley, Jungian Psychoanalyst,
for a six-month exploration of
Essential Embodiment Practices
Register Now to Begin
Cultivate six body-focused practices designed to increase conscious awareness and healthy relationship to yourself
Learn to tune into the flow of your authentic self in your body, mind, and soul
Build an ongoing channel of communication with your larger Self, God Within

Kathleen Wiley is a Jungian psychoanalyst, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in private practice in Davidson, North Carolina. In her personal and professional journey, she has seen that the body and mind are manifestations of the divine spirit and soul, different densities of the same energy. Her work empowers people to live out of a conscious connection to God Within. Join her for unlocking access to your authentic self by embodying your full essence.
$347 for a six-month experience
Essential Embodiment Practices is the first circle of a series that guides you through the mystical/magical/alchemical gates of transformation to living a full-bodied, authentic, whole hearted life.
For more information, email [email protected].
Essential Embodiment Practices
We will cultivate six embodiment practices that may seem simple at first glance but require conscious attention and time for most of us to develop properly. These practices are:
- Body awareness: By becoming aware of subtle sensations, emotions, feelings, and impulses in the body, we develop sensitivity and self-awareness. This is essential for creating the increased consciousness that lets us pursue sacred intentions and embody our true essence.
- Relaxation: Muscle tension blocks the flow of the life force, or libido, the energy that sustains, enlivens, nurtures, regenerates, and keeps us alive. Cultivating a practice of relaxation helps facilitate the flow of our own essence, which is necessary to unlock our authentic self.
- Rhythmic breathing: Breathing affects our heart rate, which calms our mind and affects our body’s chemical responses. Cultivating a practice of rhythmic breathing is one way to influence what happens in the body-mind. The breath is a key to influencing and channeling the energies that flow through us.
- Mind awareness: Cultivating a practice of mind awareness is akin to developing the observer, a part of our own psyche that sees and observes our thoughts and how they affect our body. A practice of mind awareness is part of the foundation to unlocking our authentic self.
- Concentration: The esoteric traditions say where we place our attention either brings life or death. Our capacity to concentrate is essential to our ability to embody our heart's desires. Cultivating a practice of concentration opens up the pathway for us to act in the world from our authentic self.
- Developing the will: We’ll look at will as aligning with our life force’s flow and cultivating the capacity to create channels for movement of that energy from within to without. These channels allow our life in the outer world to become a pure and beautiful expression of our authentic nature.